Sunday, January 27, 2013

Feeling Grateful

I am at a place I am because of all the people I have relationships with.  I am forever grateful to them.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How to Spot Potential Investment Bubbles

Take a look at the areas where investment brokers are currently focusing on the most.

They could be technology stock IPOs, mining companies, oil & gas exploration companies, CDOs, Chinese reverse mergers or anything else.  They tend to be in the areas where investors are eager to buy without much skepticism.  Why wouldn't investment brokers want to focus on the areas where it takes the least effort for them to persuade potential investors to buy?  These are the areas where smart investors want to stay away from.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

How to Avoid Problems

Avoid working with people, businesses or partners with problems.  Their problems will eventually come and haunt you, no matter how much you believe you have control over them.

Associate yourself with some of the best in class, and the rest will be taken care of.