Monday, March 16, 2015

Fastest Way to Happiness

We often think that we need things to help us become happier.  We strive to have certain things in life, which we believe will allow us to do certain things so that we can be happy.  There are certain feelings that we would like in our lives (ie, love, security, happiness, etc), and everything we do is to help us to get to those feelings.

The truth is that we can just decide to be loving, secure and happy at this place at this moment.  If all we are ever really working for in life is to attain certain feelings, why not just decide to have those feelings now?  We do not have to struggle to attain things to make us happy; just be happy now.  Money by itself will not bring us security, we can just decide to feel secure now.  The irony of all this is that when we actually feel secure, money pours into our life.